Same Day Delivery Blog

Google and Amazon go head-to-head in same day delivery battle

Written by Dan Boaz | Oct 14, 2014
Google set to take on Boston traffic

Welcome to the very first post on our blog at You'll soon be seeing regular blog updates both here and on our other websites within The Expedited Group of Companies as we look at the industry where we work, the news and developments that affect our industry and some of the trends and reports that matter to those interested in same day delivery, urgent freight, air freight and transportation in general. We also hope to hear from you as we explore different topics related to the same day and next day delivery industry and overnight trucking in general and with that said let's get rolling.

For us it’s an exciting time to launch the blog as the Same Day Delivery industry is currently making the news on a national basis as Amazon and Google go head-to-head in the sector in certain cities.

Google is launching a new same day delivery service that they’re calling Google Express to make a bold challenge to the vaunted Amazon Prime program. We understand the logistics of same day services throughout the nation so will be watching keenly as the competition between the two continue to escalate.

Google is making their initial stand in the large metropolises of Chicago, Washington DC and Boston with services that are set to launch this week. Google of course aren’t looking to replicate the immense regional structure that Amazon has built over many years to facilitate same day delivery and urgent delivery options but rather revitalize commodities that they already have in place. The retailers hold the inventory as opposed to the distribution centers that Amazon hold.

Ultimately Google isn’t looking to go toe to toe in every city in the country with Amazon but looks to enhance their local shopping options to the great extent that same day delivery services can bring to consumers and businesses alike. Google is partnering with key retailers only and promoting introductory rates for customers much of which suggest they are testing the water initially to determine the interest level for future expansion and also further evaluating which pricing thresholds that the market might bear.

We at Same Day Delivery on the other hand provide same day and next day delivery solutions throughout the county ranging from courier freight solutions to full truckload and same day air. As same day freight specialists we understand the vital importance of meeting client shipping requirements and will continue to monitor how the Amazon vs. Google battle unfolds.